To compensate the loss of street collecting, in aid of the Wings Appeal, the Association came up with “the Battle of Britain 80 challenge”. The idea was to challenge people to raise £80 in sponsorship, by doing 80 things in tribute to the 80th anniversary of the Battle of Britain.

As Branch standard bearer I came up with the idea of marching eighty times round Crook market place car park, carrying the Branch standard. This would not only promote the Association but make locals aware of the Club. I shall not go into the planning arrangements, suffice to say endemic restrictions/regulations had to be observed.

The challenge was on Saturday September 19th starting at noon, with one of the local county councillors, branch and club members there to set me on my way. Some four hours later, and with only one blister, I finished the challenge with customers from The Surtees cheering my last couple of laps.

During the challenge I was aware that my “back up team” were receiving donations, and it was only on returning to the Club, that the generosity of the people and businesses of Crook was realised over £400. This amount with sponsorship and just giving has resulted in over £700 raised.
It would appear, according to social media, that Crook now has its own Captain Tom.
Phil Chinery.
Crook Branch RAFA Standard Bearer