Latest Newsletter articles
National RAFA Newsletter
- 12 Squadron memorial event - A short, COVID-safe, rededication event was held at the Nottinghamshire Golf and Country Club on 8 February 2021. The event commemorated the 80th anniversary of the tragic loss of seven airmen from 12 Squadron, killed in February 1940 when their aircraft struck a tree returning from a training sortie. Mr Alan Hardy, the owner of the Nottinghamshire Golf […]
- Remembering Operation Granby/ Desert Storm - This year marks 30 years since Op Desert Storm/ Op GRANBY, often known as the First Gulf War. The UK’s contribution to the coalition saw 53,462 members of our Armed Forces deployed to the Middle East. A total of 47 British personnel were killed; five during the Air Campaign. On Sunday 28 February we ask […]
- December Branch Bulletin - It seems hard to believe that we now find ourselves a matter of days before Christmas and the end of 2020 is nearly upon us. I am sure that you will agree that this has been a year that we could never have imagined. Now is perhaps the time to consider all that is good about […]
- Operation Connect - United, we will support the most vulnerable in our RAF community. Dear friend, I want to thank you wholeheartedly for your incredible support during this uncertain and testing time. I sincerely hope that you and your loved ones are keeping safe. We are living in unprecedented times – globally, as a nation, and for every one of […]
- Branch Bulletin – latest coronavirus update - We stand united I hope this bulletin during these unprecedented times finds you well. This update includes information on the Association’s ongoing work during the coronavirus crisis; the latest news on Operation CONNECT (which is providing emergency support for our RAF community); and some information that will be of particular note for clubs that […]
Crook RAFA Newsletter
- Battle Of Britain 80th Anniversary Appeal update – September 2020 - The Branch is gearing up for the forthcoming 80th anniversary with a series of fundraising events planned to mark the occasion to raise valuable funds for the Wings Appeal, the RAF Association’s fundraising arm. Challenge 80 – 80 circuits of Crook market place carrying the Club’s Standard by our Standard Bearer Phil Chinery – Saturday […]
- July 2020 Newsletter: New branch and club committee - Back in March new committee members were elected at the AGM. Full details of the committee and contact details can be found on this website under the respective headings. Branch Committee Club Committee Please visit the site for the most up to date news and information on both the Branch and Club.
- July 2020 Newsletter: Battle of Britain 80th anniversary celebrations - The Club are intending to hold some sort of event later this year to mark the 80th anniversary, either within the Club or a virtual event if this is not possible. The Branch will be selling special commemorative ducks, each with a tag detailing a character from the Battle of Britain based on the real-life […]
- July 2020 Newsletter: Refurbishment - Covid-19 had unfortunately delayed the commencement of the refurbishment of the Club. As restrictions have been lifted, work has now started. On Friday 17th July, the scaffolding was erected which signified the start of the roof replacement, scheduled to take two weeks to complete. The second stage of the refurbishment is set to start in […]
- July 2020 Newsletter: Covid 19 - The Club was forced to close on March 20th as the Government imposed lockdown came into force because of Covid-19. We reopened early on Saturday 4th July with all the safety recommendations adopted to make the Club a clean and safe place to visit. All members are asked to sign in on each visit to […]