Crook RAFA Welfare


RAF Association Spitfire Club and Branch, Crook.


Welfare of our members is extremely important here at Crook Branch, that’s why we have a Welfare Officer dedicated to providing help assistance and signposting for those of our family that require it.

The text below is taken from the main RAFA site and provides links to resources our Welfare Officer has at their disposal.

N.B. The links are external to the Crook Rafa website.

Advice and Support

We’re here to give friendship, help and support

Welfare is at the absolute heart of the Royal Air Forces Association. Our reason for existing is as a member-led welfare charity. By association, everyone in the organisation from fundraiser to member to welfare officer or case Worker is a part of the welfare chain.

The real help that we give to real people – is the core of the welfare work that the RAF Association so successfully delivers is making a real difference to the lives of those in the RAF family who find themselves in times of need.

Find out about the range of welfare advice and support that the RAF Association gives by using the links below:

War Pensions service and Armed Forces Compensation Scheme

Help with money

Support and friendship visits

Our network of branches and clubs

Get Help from the RAF Association

Signposting to support Organisations

Often our assistance can come from knowing which organisations are in the best position to provide specialist help exactly as it is needed, and using our links with these organisations to arrange any further action.

Here are the names and links of some of the organisations we are in touch with that can offer support to members of the RAF Family, and who can, of course, be contacted directly.

Find out more