Older news and pages archived for your perusal
This section contains older news and archived pages so if you have read an article in the past and can no longer find it, the chances are it is contained here.
Archived News
None archived as yet
- Wellington Bomber DV-841 Memorial Service. 2 June, 2019 - On the 21st May 1942, Wellington Bomber DV-841 with 5 crew on board crashed into Kitty’s Wood, near Roddymoor in Crook, County Durham. Although Wear Valley Council commissioned a plaque which hangs in the North East Aircraft Museum near the Nissan Factory in Washington, a new plaque now stands in grounds of Crook Community Leisure […]
- A message from our President: Wishing you a happy and healthy New Year - Dear friends, There is no doubt that 2020 was a challenging year for us all, with the COVID-19 pandemic and its associated restrictions changing the very way of life that we are all accustomed to. For the RAF Association, 2020 was an incredibly difficult year too. However, I am very proud that our research – the […]
- Cancelled - Unfortunately, due to the coronavirus (Covid-19) all events at the RAFA Spitfire club are cancelled until further notice. Please keep checking back for further announcements.
Archived Pages
None archived as yet.